The movie 11 11 11 is an upcoming horror thriller movie written and directed by Darren Bousman. Darren Bousman is known for making horror films; from Saw II, Saw III and IV. He also directed the upcoming thriller, Mother's Day.
The story of 11 11 11 focuses obviously on the date 11th of November, 2011, a time when a supposed gateway will open and something will come through.
As what have been indicated on the posters launched:
This is really scary. Is this like a warning for 12-12-12?
The story of 11 11 11 focuses obviously on the date 11th of November, 2011, a time when a supposed gateway will open and something will come through.
As what have been indicated on the posters launched:
For many years, the November 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to millions of people around the world.
It has become known as the 11:11 phenomenom
On the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011, a getaway will open. Something's coming through.
This is really scary. Is this like a warning for 12-12-12?
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